what does god look likE

by Dr Peter Gammons

What does God look like the unknown

What does God look like?

The question “What does God look like?” has sparked curiosity and wonder for thousands of years. Throughout the Bible, God reveals Himself in ways that help us grasp aspects of His nature, but the truth remains that what God looks like is beyond our full understanding.

God Is Spirit

According to John 4:24, “God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” This statement provides us with an important foundation: What God looks like does not involve a physical body like humans. God is invisible, eternal, and exists beyond the limitations of flesh and form. Deuteronomy 4:15-19 supports this by warning against creating images of God, reminding us that He is not to be confined by human likeness.

God’s spirit nature sets Him apart from everything in creation, showing us that what God looks like cannot be reduced to the physical forms or idols we might imagine. His essence is more profound than we can comprehend or describe.

Similarly, in Revelation 1:14-16, John’s vision of the glorified Christ shows divine power and authority through symbolic imagery: “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of rushing waters.” These passages reflect what God looks like in terms of His greatness and majesty, transcending human understanding.
What does God look like as a Spirit

Biblical Glimpses of God’s Glory

Though what God looks like in His full form is unknowable, the Bible offers symbolic descriptions of God’s appearance, showing glimpses of His overwhelming majesty. In Ezekiel 1:26-28, the prophet describes a vision where God appears with radiant brilliance and fiery splendor:
What does God look like sitting on Throne
“High above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. From what appeared to be His waist up, He looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and from there down He looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded Him.”

Jesus: The Image of the Invisible God

What does God look like as Jesus the image of the invisible God
Although God the Father is spirit, the Bible tells us that Jesus is “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15). Through Jesus, we see God’s character in a form we can relate to. As God in the flesh, Jesus showed us love, compassion, power, and wisdom, revealing what God looks like in a way we can grasp.
Even though Jesus took on human form, Isaiah 53:2 reminds us that He had “no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him,” emphasizing that His purpose was not tied to physical appearance but rather to His divine mission of salvation.

What does God look like when he spoke to Moses

Understanding God Through His Attributes

Instead of focusing on a literal image of God, the Bible often uses metaphorical and symbolic language to describe His attributes, such as power, wisdom, and love. In the book of Exodus, God speaks to Moses and tells him, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live” (Exodus 33:20). This emphasizes the idea that what God looks like in His full glory is too overwhelming for human eyes.
Anthropomorphism, the use of human characteristics to describe God, appears throughout Scripture. We read about God’s “hands” reaching out to save (Isaiah 59:1), His “eyes” watching over the earth (2 Chronicles 16:9), and His “voice” thundering with authority (Revelation 1:15). These descriptions help us relate to what God looks like through His divine actions in ways we can comprehend.

Evidence of God’s Presence

Even though we cannot see God, the evidence of His presence is all around us. Psalm 19:1 proclaims that “the heavens declare the glory of God,” and Romans 1:20 affirms that through creation, God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—are made clear to us. Nature itself reveals the reality of a Creator, giving us a glimpse of His infinite power and creativity.
What does God look like when we sense the divine

Inner Awareness

Moreover, many theologians believe that every human has an inherent sense of the divine, an inner awareness that points us toward the existence of God. This “sense of the divine,” as described by John Calvin, reminds us that while we may not fully grasp God’s form, we can experience His presence through faith and spiritual insight.

Embracing the Mystery of God’s Appearance

What does God look like when encountered in modern day
Ultimately, the question of what God looks like invites us to explore the deeper mystery of who God is. Instead of being confined to an image, God is revealed to us through His Word, through Jesus Christ, and through the wonder of creation. While we cannot picture Him in full detail, we can know Him through His actions, His love, and His relationship with us.

One day, as believers, we will see what God looks like in all His glory (1 John 3:2). Until then, we walk by faith, not by sight, trusting in His divine nature and looking forward to the day we will fully encounter the majesty of God.
What does God look like when encountered

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