Some of the testimonies people shared at Dr Gammons' recent Crusades & Events


After Dr Gammons Event in Ostrava 'My Tumor Disappeared'

'On Wednesday I was diagnosed with an almost 7 cm tumor in my uterus. 50 percent malignant, 50 percent benign. In any case, they wanted to operate on it immediately and send it for histology. I gave it to God and left on Thursday to evangelize on the streets. In about an hour fifteen people on the street heard the Gospel and three prayed the salvation prayer with me. About eight of those people from the street immediately came to Dr Gammons meeting in the evening.  This has never happened to me before. In the evening at the gathering with Dr Gammons, I felt that the Spirit touch the place where the tumor was and I received healing and testified. Today the entire dead tumor fell out of me. God is simply awesome, beyond any human imagination!' 


Hearing restored during Crusade in Poland!

‘For over twenty years, I had hearing loss in one ear. I had surgery, but there wasn’t much improvement. When Dr. Gammons prayed for my ear I felt as if someone had taken a cork out of my ear and my hearing was restored! All the glory to Jesus.’


Tooth Problems Gone!

'I have returned for the 2nd service today. Last night I was saved. After yesterday’s service, years of pain and extremely complicated tooth problems, aches and suffering is over! It’s a miracle I can’t feel any pain or aches anymore! Halellujah!!' K.R.


Injured Foot Healed!

‘Since I was 15, I struggled with ligament pain in my left foot due to an injury. I have never treated it, and it stayed that way. After intense physical activity the pain increased. During the event when Dr. Peter Gammons was ministering to the sick, the Holy Spirit touched me and healed me. The pain is gone!’


Longterm Serious Digestive Issues Healed at Event in Poland

‘During the conference Dr. Gammons had a word of knowledge that God was healing digestive problems. After the conference I noticed that my various eating disorders (which I had been experiencing for more than 20 years) disappeared completely. I thank God for the restoration of freedom in this area of my life.’