From World Respected Leaders

Sid Roth

Host of ‘It’s Supernatural’

'Peter Gammons has spoken to the largest crowds in recorded history, including an event in Manila, Philippines, attended by over four million people, the crowd stretching for over four miles. The event was the largest known event ever held. God has given Peter an amazing gifting. He speaks into the lives of leaders of nations. He also has a unique teaching ministry. I’m in awe over the revelation God has given Peter. I have never before heard anyone share such profound truths.'


'Peter Gammons is one of the greatest messengers of hope in the world today, a remarkable inspiration to the nations! I admire him and am one of his prayer and financial Partners. I love this guy. There are not many opportunities to invest in an influencer like this one, so let God speak to you. These are apostolic events taking place in your life and it is truly wonderful that you have pleased God so that He can use you like this. It eclipses anything I’ve ever witnessed. This is the day of “greater things than these shall ye do because I go to the Father.” Thanks for being my friend. I value that.
What you are seeing around the world is formidable. It is awesome that the Gospel is penetrating entire nations! Nations are literally embracing the Gospel! No reports concerning the miracles of Aimie Semple McPherson or Smith Wigglesworth could equal the things in your events. I feel like Brother Bosworth did when he was 75 and I was a young man. He would pet my hand and say: “I’m just tickled pink to see you. You have grasped all the truths that took me years to learn and now that I am getting old, and you are young, I can see that the truth will continue to be proclaimed.”
Peter, you are young. I don’t know how many years I have remaining. I am so thankful for how God is blessing and using you. As the years accumulate for me, I have this wonderful consolation which burns in my apostolic heart: “The Gospel is in good hands and the hurting world is LOVED by someone who can powerfully demonstrate that love to them.” The world is fortunate to have a messenger like you! You have God’s vision of our hurting world. May God’s blessing crown all that you do. May you always be strong and courageous.
Thanks for your love always. You are a special friend and I respect your vision, your love, your attitude, your positiveness, your smiles your faith etc. BRAVO! Our hurting world needs you. Thank God for the truths that you know and have embraced.'

Rabbi Doran Perez

Executive chairman of the World Mizrachi movement and author of the books “Leading the Way” and “The Jewish State From Opposition to Opportunity”

'Dear Peter, Well done for all you do for Israel. With friendship, Rabbi Doran Perez.'

President Fidel V. Ramos


'Dr Gammons, you are a precious friend and a powerful influence in our nation. Mabuhay. Best Wishes.'

Paul & Jan Crouch

Hosts of TBN Praise the Lord

'Dr Gammons, you are wonderful. Our TBN family love it when you are a part of ‘Praise the Lord.'


Christian Evangelist & Founder of Oral Roberts University

‘Peter, May God continue to bless your anointed life and His plan for your life. I pray for you and please remember it.'



'Dr Gammons is one of the only remaining Generals of God still with us. There is no country of the world where I have travelled where when you mention his name the pastors do not get excited. Because I pastored a mega-church as well as being Dean of Oral Roberts University, I hosted all of the famous preachers, but I never heard a more powerful speaker than Dr Gammons. His message on ‘The Blessing’ is the best sermon I ever heard.'



‘Peter, You are such a blessing. Everyone at our world Conventions enjoys your presence. Everyone is always so blessed by your ministry. The blessing of the Holy Spirit is so evident upon you. You are an angel sent by God and have really blessed Vangie and I. We love you very much.’ 

PASTOR Marcin Podżorski

Church Of Glory Poland

ʻThe theme of our event with Dr Peter Gammons was "The Power to Transform Your Life" and so many lives were totally transformed, with souls saved and many touched by the Lord. It was an amazing demonstration of the power of God! The Holy Spirit moved in such a mighty way!
As Dr Gammons ministered ears were opened of those dead from birth and vertebrae and spines were straightened!
People testified to being healed of chronic diseases that had been going on for many years. It was wonderful. Our hearts were so touched to see Godʼs power at work.
Besides so many healings, people were anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit and their faith grew to themselves pray for the sick.ʼ




‘It is time for Christians in this country to unite in making a stand for the fundamental values of faith and freedom which we have inherited and which we have a responsibility to pass on undiminished to our children and grandchildren. We need to work and to pray for our nation. Dr Peter Gammons is endeavouring to inspire such a call for prayer and action and I commend him for so doing.’ 

Pastor Andrew Adeleke

Senior Pastor: House of Praise London
Continental Overseer: Redeemed Christian Church of God

'With over four decades of Kingdom service, Dr Peter Gammons’ powerful message of hope and salvation in Jesus has proved ever timeless and effective in soul winning. I commend churches to unite around this servant of God to see your city set on fire for revival.'


 Kingdom Life Ministries

‘Dr Peter Gammons is a man with a prophetic mandate to reach the nations with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. I’ve seen this anointing increase in his ministry with special manifestation of the Spirit and power of God.’ 


Senior Pastor of Church of Destiny & Principal of Kingdom School of Ministry

“Dr Peter Gammons is a man after the heart of God, like David. He cares about people and their eternal destiny.”


Senior Pastor: Kodesh Assembly
Vice President: Francophone Network (European French Churches Network)

“It is great news that London will be hosting Dr Peter Gammons. God has used him all around the world.”