God loves you so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son to be your Savior (John 3:16). On the Cross, Jesus died bearing your sins, so you can be forgiven and have eternal life.

Only Jesus can save you. You cannot save yourself. Sin causes a separation between us and God, but Jesus died in our place, taking the punishment that we deserved, and rose again so that we can be forgiven (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Salvation is God’s free gift and is your's for the asking. So, do not put it off any longer. The past is gone forever; the future is uncertain; now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2; 1 John 1:9).

Peace with God is freely available to you right now if you will receive Jesus Christ (John 1:12).

Everyone will one day stand before God and give an account of whether they accepted or rejected Jesus Christ. So, pray this prayer right now and receive His forgiveness:

Lord, Thank You that You love me, Thank You that You died for me and that you rose again to give me new life. I believe that You took the punishment for my sins so that I could be forgiven. Forgive me right now. I invite You to come into my life to be my Savior and my Lord. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe with my heart that God has raised Him from the dead, therefore I am saved. I thank You that You have heard my prayer. I am forgiven! I am saved! You are mine! I am Yours… for all eternity! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!’

If you have prayed this prayer to receive Jesus, please complete the form below, so that we can send you Dr Gammons’ book ‘Start a New Life Today  – 17 New Creation Realities’ to help you in your walk with God.